Sunday, November 6, 2016

Knot an issue

If you've ever looked around your home and seen an area that looks like this, you're probably suffering from what's known as bleed through. This problem is common with both interior and exterior painting projects. It occurs most commonly in wood components that have many knots which are often difficult to cover completely, even after numerous coats of paint.

Here's how our Professional painting company from Princeton, NJ tackles the task to solve it once and for all.

  1. We power wash all effected areas.
  2. We then allow those areas to completely dry out, which usually takes around 24 hours.
  3. Next we apply 3 to 4 coats of clear shellac in a fanning and dusting motion. The product pictured below can be purchased at your local Home Depot. 
  4. Last we will apply two coats of our desired finish and color of Benjamin Moore paint products.
This simple 4-step solution will save you hours upon hours of frustration and sweat. For more tips on how paint like a professional stay tuned to this blog channel.

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